Chair of Near Eastern Archeology

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Bachelor Programme (BA)

The subject of Near Eastern Archaeology you may study either within the framework of the BA-programmes "Ancient Oriental Studies" (120 ECTS), "Archaeology - Europe and the Near East" (180 or 120 ECTS) or the subsidiary BA-subject "Ancient World and Oriental Studies" (60 ECTS). All courses of studies start in winter terms only.

BA-Programme "Archaeology – Europe and the Near East"

The course of studies "Archaeology – Europe and the Near East" provides an overview of the various archaeological subjects offered at the LMU and conveys basic knowledge in the theory, methodology and practice of archaeological work. In the course of your studies you have to specialise in one of the archaeological subjects. You may either choose archaeology as your only principal subject (180 ECTS), or in combination with a subsidiary subject (120 ECTS plus 60 ECTS).

BA-Programme "Ancient Oriental Studies"

The focus of the subject "Ancient Oriental Studies" (as a principal subject with 120 ECTS in combination with a subsidiary subject with 60 ECTS) lies on the combined examination of archaeological evidence and ancient text sources from the broad and varied area of the Near East. While the early periods can only be explored on the basis of their material remains - i.e. by means of archaeological methods - from the late 4th century B.C. onwards, we also have text sources such as letters, documents and inscriptions at our disposition. These grant us a both extraordinarily broad and intense insight into the culture, religion, politics and economics as well as into the everyday life of the people in Ancient Oriental cultures. The geographical core area is Mesopotamia (roughly comprising modern Iraq), but we also look into adjacent regions like Syria, the Levant, Anatolia and Iran.

Subsidiary BA-Subject "Ancient World and Oriental Studies"

Finally, you may choose the broad subsidiary subject "Ancient World and Oriental Studies" (60 ECTS points) to gain insight into Ancient Oriental cultures.

The overview of lectures during the current term you will find in the LSF.

The vice dean (students) of the Department of Ancient Cultures within the Faculty of Cultural Studies is Prof. Dr. Franz Alto Bauer.