Chair of Near Eastern Archeology

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Dr. Wolf Hamann-Foundation

The Dr. Wolf Hamann-Foundation promotes the work of especially apt students of the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology by grants of up to EUR 2000,-.

The objective of the promotion is to improve the work- and travel possibilities of doctoral and master students with respect to their further scientific qualification. This is done, e.g., by financing stays at museums for material view or the payment of reproduction costs. The grant is awarded annually.

Please apply informally with the chair holder, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Otto.


Obituary Dr. phil. Wolf Helmut Hamann

The sad news that Mr Dr. phil. Wolf Helmut Hamann, founder of the "Dr. Wolf Hamann-Foundation", had died on the 30th of January 2013 unfortunately reached us belatedly.

After having successfully worked as an architect, Mr. Dr. Hammann studied History at the LMU and graduated with a doctoral degree. Within the framework of his doctoral studies he also dealt with Near Eastern Archaeology and was a welcome guest at our institute. These studies induced him to install the foundation called after him, with the objective to promote Near Eastern Archaeology at the LMU Munich. The objective of the foundation is primarily fulfilled by granting subsidies for travel expenses correlated to doctoral theses, or for printing costs and congress participation. Furthermore, master students are granted financial aid for travels.

The Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology is very grateful to Mr. Dr. Hamann for his generous foundation and will always bear him in remembrance.