Chair of Near Eastern Archeology

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Master Programme (MA)

General Information

The master degree programme "Near Eastern Archaeology" is a postgraduate course of studies of 120 ECTS-points leading to a professional qualification degree. As a rule, it has to be completed within four terms. This degree programme starts in winter terms only. The language of teaching is German. Thanks to the small number of students, we can offer individual mentoring.
Applicants should be interested in the scientific confrontation with foreign cultures, in social, cultural and arthistorical topics and approaches and are expected to be highly motivated for their studies. Furthermore, they should show general interest in archaeological research, the Near and Middle East and its modern societies and be prepared to take part in excursions and fieldwork in this region.

Registration Deadlines

Admission Requirements

The registration requirements for this master degree programme is a university degree qualifying for this profession or an equivalent degree from within Germany or abroad of at least 180 ECTS-poins with a grade point average of 2.3 or better in the field of Near Eastern Archaeology or a cognate discipline.
For verification of these qualification requirements please contact the Academic Counselling, presenting the following documents:

  • an informal letter to Mrs. Prof. Dr. Otto, in which you briefly explain why you wish to graduate in Near Eastern Archaeology;
  • your Bachelor certificate (or a preliminary confirmation that you have successfully passed your BA exams, stating your final grade) 
  • a transcript of records from your BA course

International students additionally have to prove a successfully passed German language exam.

Contents and Objectives of this Course of Studies

With the help of material and written evidence, the research-oriented master porgramme "Near Eastern Archaeology" conveys extended knowledge of the cultures of the Near and Middle East in the pre-classical ancient world. The focus of the degree programme is on both the profound knowledge and application of achaeological and art-historical methodologies. Furthermore, students have to acquire skills in at least one cuneiform language (preferably Accadian).
On the basis of various methodologies, achaeological finds and text evidence is used as sources for the political, social and economic history, for the religion, cultural history and the humanities as well as the everyday life of the Ancient Near East. The use of cuneiform defines the historical period from the late 4th century B.C. until the beginning of the Common Era. Furthermore, pre-written epochs and non-written cultures are also treated. The geographical core area comprises Mesopotamia (Iraq), Syria, Anatolia and Iran; but the archaeological perspective also includes adjacent regions.

Graduates of this master programme acquire both specialised knowledge on the cultures of the Ancient Near East and application-oriented methodologies and techniques. During their studies they also develop key qualifications and the capacity to investigate and acquire information and to subsequently evaluate and structure it according to scientific practice. Furthermore, they develop their ability to abstract, organise and transfer, they learn to critcally discuss (research) opinions and interpretations, they extend their information and media competence, their studying and presentation techniques, and their ability to communicate and to work in teams.

Model Curriculum

The master degree programme comprises both compulsory and elective modules. Here you can view a model curriculum (in German language).

Degree Syllabus

Here you can view the degree syllabus for master degree students.

Coordination Master Degree Programme Near Eastern Archaeology

Corinna Mairhanser, M.A., Late Ancient History and the History of Byzantine Art
Tel. 089/2180-,

Fields of Activity and Profession

The master porgramme "Near Eastern Archaeology" prepares the students above all for working in research and teaching at universities, museums and other research institutions. Beyond the field of ancient cultures, graduates will find work in journalism, cultural management, cultural heritage protection and tourism.
This course of studies is both theory- and practice-oriented and thus forms the basis for understanding foreign cultures, which is of high value in every profession in the course of increasing globalisation.
This degree programme is also conveying professional skills in a sense that graduates in cultural science posess key qualifications, methodological knowledge, as well as the ability to abstract, analyse and transfer. This enables them to take on varied and complex tasks in the professional world. Individual interests and personal committment are in the end decisive for the students' professional career.
The career opportunities for graduates of the master programme "Near Eastern Archaeology" are thus similar to those of various other courses of studies in cultural science, the humanities or research.

Master's Thesis - Current News

Students have to hand in their theses personally at the PAGS (examination office of the humanities), to the attention of Mrs Nadine Völkers.

On the PAGS-Homepage you can view the current dates and deadlines.

Our exam and degree regulations stipulate that students have to register for their master's thesis in their fourth academic term (regular procedure) or in their fifth term at the latest. Students who do not hand in their master's thesis in their fifth term have not passed the master's exam and can register for a repetition exam in their sixth term. There will be no more possibilities to repeat the master's exam.

Students have to apply with the degree programme coordinator using the registration form provided by the PAGS (examination office of the humanities) by the respective deadlines mentioned above.

Current List of Lectures

Here you will find a current overview of all lectures (in German language) held at the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology.